Projects and Links

Links to Videos from Speaker Series are on Calendar of Events page.

Crab Trap Removal
This is an annual project coordinated by San Antonio Bay Partnership with a NOAA grant. Each year we work with San Antonio Bay Partnership, Matagorda Bay Foundation, Coastal Bend Bays and Estuaries Program, and Texas Sea Grant to plan an effective project for February to remove abandoned crab traps from all our bays. Volunteers make this program succeed, and each year we find fewer abandoned traps in Lavaca Bay so our crabbers are doing a great job of keeping our bay clean.

Human Activities and their Impact on Lavaca Bay
With a grant from the Environmental Fund of Texas, LBF partnered with Texas Sea Grant and Our Lady of the Gulf Catholic School. Science students collected data at Bayfront Park and found that most of the trash was left by people rather than deposited by the tides. We can all do a better job of keeping our bay clean, and it’s important to realize that each of us can make a difference. Two signs from this project can be seen on the walking trail at Bayfront Park.

Other Links:

To keep track of the progress the City of Port Lavaca is making on projects, go to:

A Texas Observer article on the Superfund site:

The video of 2020 Crab Trap Pickup by Texas Sea Grant: Youtube

A 2007 article describing the partnership to clean up the Superfund site. Lavaca Bay Restoration Credited to Government-Industry Partnership

An ongoing project to assess red snapper in the Gulf. The Great Red Snapper Count

An Oyster Gardening project sponsored by Galveston Bay Foundation. Shell Game

Other Foundations and Organizations:

Matagorda Bay Foundation
Texas Sea Grant
Galveston Bay Foundation
San Antonio Bay Partnership
Matagorda Bay Foundation
Coastal Bend Bays Foundation
Harte Research Institute
Matagorda Bay Mitigation Trust